Monday 7 January 2013


After a discussion about changing the plot we decided to go with Ruth's original plot, I then did a rough draft of of a trailer plot which we will discuss and modify tomorrow.

The trailer begins with a man on his way to work, he's dressed in a shirt and tie with a coffee flask in one hand and a briefcase in the other, he leans in and hugs someone behind the door out of view before the scene changes, it fades out as he walks away and fades in to a classroom where he's teaching a science class.
he's stood teaching biology to a sixth form class with a diagram of a cell on a whiteboard behind him, he then begins to talk about bad cells becoming cancerous and upon mentioning cancer he appears distant before a student asks if he's okay, then the students voice fades out and everything becomes muffled as a clock begins to tick getting louder and the teachers face appears panicked and upset before returning to normal where he asks "where was I?" The scene then cuts.
The next scene shows him at the door talking to a neighbour, he appears alot more disheveled (messy appearance and clothing) with a shirt sporting a stain and pyjama bottoms, the neighbour says " look .......... Alot of us are worried about you, we know you lost your job and after the funeral " ....... Then interrupts with "I'm coming love" talking to someone in the house before saying to the man "look I don't know what kind of sick, weird game your playing but you leave me and Lisa out of it" before slamming the door.
The next scene we see him washing his face in the mirror and he hears the same mans voice saying "you've got to move on, there's nothing you can do" the next scene shows him in the living room flicking through channel after channel, it fades out and shows him doing it over a number of days before music from a piano seems to wake him up out of this trance. - clubbed to death piano solo- he walks into another room and it triggers a flashback, Lisa is sat playing the song and ........ Hugs her from behind then says "I always love hearing you play" it then jumps back to present day where we hear half of a conversation, "so what do you fancy doing today honey? Just staying here? Sure if that's what you want" he then begins to hear the ticking again as it approaches the same time as in the school, he seems to zone out when the sounds of trash fans falling over snaps him out of it, he runs outside to see what it is just in time to see his neighbour run away.
The next scene shows him in the house as he looks around rooms begin to fade away until finally it's just Lisa's room to check he goes in and finds it torn up and messy as if there was a struggle, he runs outside just in time to see a car pull off, the scene changes and he wakes up In an unknown room where a nurse walks in before saying the doctor will see you now, in the final scene we hear boot steps before his neighbour walks in and smiles maliciously."