Wednesday 26 September 2012

fight club analysis

Fight club analysis
1. What is the genre of the film?
The genre of film is a psychological thriller.
2. How is the audience able to identify the genre of the film?
The genre of film unlike most trailers isn’t definable by the trailer; it’s only by watching the film throughout that it’s revealed it’s a psychological thriller, however the closest hint we get to the genre is his meeting with the doctor which shows something is wrong.
3. How does the trailer target an audience?
The trailer targets its audience through the use of actors and its unique selling point, all members of the fight club are male so the target audience is predominately male, also by using the actor Brad Pitt it appeals to and draws in fans of his movies, the actors appear to be in at least their mid-twenties so its likely the target audience follows and age range of about 15-35.
4. How long does the film trailer last?
The film trailer lasts for two minutes three seconds
5. How many shots are used in the trailer?
There are approximately 84 shots used mostly close ups and medium shots while sometimes showing long shots and rarely showing extreme long shots.
6. What transitions are used in the trailer?
The trailer uses one or two fade outs but mostly consists of plain cuts between scenes.
7. How is diegetic sound used in the trailer? – Focus on dialogue and sound effects.
Diegetic sound in the trailer is used for dialogue and special effects such as explosions.
8. How is non-diegetic sound used in the trailer? – Focus on music and sound effects.
The song “where is my mind” plays during parts of the trailer and non-diegetic narration is used to explain one man’s experience throughout the entire trailer.
9. How does the trailer represent characters and their relationships?
The trailer represents characters and their relationships through their interactions and dialogue between one another, we see “Tyler” as the boss by the way he addresses the others giving each of them an “assignment” and telling them “the rules of fight club” we also see some form of friendship between him and the narrator in the scene outside the club, although he asks him to punch him there seems to be some form of trust or friendship between the also shows Tylers relationship with the women by suggesting they have sex.

10. How does the trailer create a sense of narrative?
The trailer creates a sense of narrative through the use of narration .
11. What does the trailer reveal about the plot of the film?
The trailer reveals that a fight club is formed in the film but leaves out a lot of the rest so that the viewer is intrigued and left with an air of mystery.
12. How does the trailer create a code of enigma?
The trailer creates a code of enigma by maintaining its air of mystery; it leaves viewers with unanswered questions.
13. How does the trailer use titles to communicate with the audience?
Titles in the film are used only between cuts to advertise the company, actors, and film. Because of the narration throughout there is no real need to use inter titles to inform the audience.
14. How does the trailer establish the mood and expectations of the film?
The trailer keeps quite an ominous mysterious mood as the viewer is intrigued to learn more about this “fight club”
15. What types of camera shots and angles are used most commonly in trailers?
Medium close ups are the most commonly used camera shots while camera angles aren’t used.
16. How is mise-en-scene constructed in trailers?
Mise-en-scene is created by the location each scene takes place in e.g house, outside, abandoned building. The clothes they wear are just casual although some wear suits. This is not a reflection of the trailer but of the characters and their lifestyles instead, giving you a hint as to what kind of lives they lead.
17. Why has the film studio used the trailer to market its product?
The film studio uses the trailer to market its product as this is the most effective method of intriguing the audience to go and view it.
18. How successful is the film trailer in targeting an audience?
The film trailer is quite successful but it doesn’t have viewers in anticipation dying to go watch it, in my opinion the film itself was a lot better than the trailer gave it credit for.

19. Make a list of 10 codes and conventions that you have identified in the film you have analysed.
Trailer reveals some story but not all of it.
It revolves around one main characters perspective
There is some form of conflict
The main character makes a friendship that affects the entire film
The trailer shows clips throughout the entire story
It leaves some parts out so that an air of mystery is maintained
The main character has to overcome some kind of obstacle
He is diagnosed with insomnia; some kind of condition is often used in psychological films
The story is mostly based around his interactions with others
Its meant to raise questions for the viewer.

20. How effective are film trailers as a promotional device for films?
Film trailers  are very effective as they capture the audiences interest and rely on human nature to want to know more, the trailer raises questions that can only be answered by watching the film so is a very successful marketing strategy.

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