Monday 8 October 2012

original plot.

below is the original plot since then weve had a meeting and agreed to all work on a combined plot of all four, we have all agreed to rewrite a version to bring in tuesday and then well decide on the best one.
Plot for thriller  05/08/2012

The film starts with a fight scene between two characters the protagonist and antagonist, this is the films most climactic scene and is also shown towards the end, it makes very little sense until previous events are recollected throughout the film and the reader pieces together important parts that provide an insight into the two mysterious characters.
After this initial scene it cuts to two weeks before and shows the social life of the protagonist with his friends joking about and showing a generally positive attitude towards life. Everything seems to be going well for him until when walking home alone he comes across a young women being mugged and attempts to save her, she gets away but he is attacked by the would be muggers and suffers several blows until he is knocked down and falls to the floor, while falling he hits his head on the pavement and suffers a severe injury to his head that causes him to loose consciousness.
He then awakes in hospital confused With no recollection of what has happened or how he got there and is even more baffled when he is told he checked himself in. After several tests and scans it becomes clear the head trauma has had a severe psychological effect and a doctor informs him he may experience rapid mood swings or a feeling of loss of identity.
He returns home and becomes steadily more withdrawn from friends and family, he also experiences black outs and awakens lost with no memory of what has happened, he grows more concerned as he sees a news broadcast of a man killed and finds a wallet in his pocket with an I'd card, the picture on the card matches the victim. As well as this he begins to receive malicious messages from an unknown number, the messages and murders continue until one message asks for him to meet the mysterious stranger if he wants the murders to stop , upon arriving
He find the place deserted with nothing but a mobile phone in the middle of the room, the phone appears to be blank except for one video, a CCTV recording of him being mugged, after he has finished watching it the mysterious stranger appears from behind with a malicious smile on his face and the protagonist enraged and believing this stranger could of stopped the attack yells at him before taking a swing, his fist
Misses and hits a wall before he is hit from behind with a pole and blacks out. When he awakens the phone is still there he continues to watch the video until shockingly he realises the people who attacked him are the ones being murdered, after this several flashbacks occur and he recounts killing all of the attackers.
He gets back home and locks
Himself in the bathroom where upon catching his reflection he sees a dark twisted almost unrecognisable version of himself, he realises this
Is the mysterious stranger and after several words are exchanged he collapses in a spasm, when he regains consciousness he sees himself from the mirror and his dark alter ego takes over, he leans towards the mirror and whispers "time for a change of leadership" before the protagonist watches From the mirror as his dark double leaves in his body.
The next sequence of the film shows his alter ego go after the remaining two attackers, he kills one of them but before he is able to kill the second the protagonist takes over again, he releases the man who then runs away. As he is about to leave the antagonist manifests and they have a fight for control over the body, this is shown by two people fighting but when shown from other perspectives we see the protagonist throwing punches at thin air which shows it is all in his head, he continues to fight until the antagonist
Looses his footing, it is here the protagonist charges at him and pins
Him to the floor, he repeatedly punches the antagonist until the manifestation disappears and he is left alone. He gives a narration and then the film jumps back to before the attack,he finds himself at two paths, one has the alleyway where the girl is mugged and the other leads to an alternate route home, it's ends with the lines "would you go through it all again to save one person" before ending leaving the viewer wandering if he makes the same choice as before .

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