Wednesday 19 December 2012

animatic photoshoot

question 11

This image shows his loss as his friend dies.
I chose this one because it shows two victims helpless tied up

 this photo shows a boy cowering in the corner suggesting he’s scared or fearful of something

These two photos link together, they are used to create meaning as they show a split personality and this was the only way to show it in the trailer without giving away the entire plot.

animatic analysis

A critical analysis of the Animatic Process of your groups Film Trailer

1.     An Animatic is a trailer created with still photos rather than recordings, it is used to help visualise if the plot is effective as well as to help determine locations and camera angles/shots.

2.     To undergo the process we had to write the plot before developing it into a storyboard, from there we then took all the photos required before uploading them to the editing suite and adding effects such as transitions, sounds and intertitles.

3.     The narrative was created by cutting out the storyboard pieces and re arranging them into an order that seemed appropriate and told the story without giving away all of the plot, this seemed successful as upon viewing in class the audience were able to guess the roles of characters and what had happened to result in the current actions while still leaving questions like “will they survive”? From this point the only change made between the storyboard and Animatic was the length of certain shots and removal of ones we felt were no longer needed.

4.     We used the storyboard to plan out each shot and location so that we could take all the shots that happened outdoors at the same time to save time, this helped where the weather was an issue and we had to take advantage of the breaks in the rain.
It also helped decide whether to take long shots, medium shots or close ups. Altogether we had a totals of 4 photo shoots with 3 different locations and the prop of rope, the main reason only three locations were used was because of ease of access, because we needed to take the photos when we were all free it had to be somewhere nearby that we could get to quickly.
The rope was used because in certain shots characters were tied up.
we chose the actors based on appearance for example, Dominic was chosen to play the role of someone discharged from the army as he looked the oldest and the audience wouldn’t question it as he looked the part.
At each shoot we would take multiple photos of the same shot, before looking over them at the end and choosing the best few to use in an Animatic.

The only shots we were unable to take were of a train station, this was because of proximity. None of us lived close enough and some of us had to take buses home meaning we could not walk the 40 minutes to the station wait for a train and then walk another 40 minutes back. The other shot we couldn’t take was of Dom sat on the actual train. We planned to in the actual trailer but because of cost to get the whole team onto the scene we decided to wait until the recording process to do it.
After beginning the process of creating the Animatic we began to see the plot just didn’t work, we had come away from the genre of a psychological thriller and what we were left with resembled a very amateur attempt at an action. Because of this we decided to go back to the process of writing the plot using our time to finish a revised plot with the objective of completing a storyboard over the Christmas holidays.

5.     We constructed the Animatic by first adding the images then putting them into order. From there we changed the time of each shot before adding the transitions and intertitles. Finally we finished it by importing a soundtrack.

6.     we chose the length based on the type of shot and the timing of it in the Animatic, for example long time span shots were used when there was dialogue or intertitles but in fast chase scenes where the trailer reached its climax we used very short snappy shots. Transitions were edited based on the event to happen before it, when his friend dies we used a slow transition to create impact but when the action sped up we chose very shot fades or none at all.

7.     We used a font that was easy to read so that we didn’t have to linger on the intertitles for as long as other fonts, we used a red colour font for the title “Retribution” to show violence and danger. We used intertitles that helped link to the images displayed, for example after he holds his dying friend the intertitles “the death of a friend” is used to add impact as well as confirm to the audience the character has been killed.

8.     the soundtrack music was a good choice, the only flaw was a lack of knowledge at how to cut certain parts out, this meant we had to either overlap sounds or have music where we didn’t initially want it, while still effective the whole process would have gone by much faster if we had learnt how to correctly edit the soundtrack. It affected the mood as it helped with the climax and action aspects of the Animatic, we would use slow music for a build up or slow shots and fast music at climax or in quick shots, we also used the non diegetic sound of a heartbeat to symbolise the loss of life when his friend dies in the army.

9.     The completed Animatic appeals to our target audience of 15-25 year olds predominately male by casting actors who are in their late teens so that the audience can relate to them and presenting the action aspect that many younger men enjoy.

   10. We plan to change the entire plot in time for the moving image trailer we have began research into films such as “memento” and “shutter island” that fit the genre and conventions of what we want to do while also researching into music that will fit the genre and scene it is used in.

   question number 11 can be found in a seperate post.

12.     I contributed to this process by rewriting the chosen plot into one we then used, planning and taking a majority of the shots as well as helping in the editing suite with the order and length of shots as well as intertitles and the music used.

inception poster analysis

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Memento analysis

after veiwing this poster it inspired me to carry out additional research into the films plot where i discovered some ideas that could be great for my own film plot.

shutter island poster


above is the storyboard we created after writing our group plot

Tuesday 4 December 2012

film trailer plot

The trailer begins with the production companies name. There is a diegetic sound of a train and someone listening to music. The next shot then shows a man on the train listening to music through earphones, the music is just loud enough to hear. A man then walks past with a newspaper relating to the war and a close up shot shows the story before the train goes through the tunnel and the scene fades out. There's then a flashback of a squad of soldiers walking through a forest where they are ambushed. There is a gunfire which marks the fade out of the scene followed by an inter title with the background of the woods, reading 'the death of a friend'This then fades again and the main character (Mark) holds him in his arms as he dies . It fades back to the train and shows a close up of him starring into space looking sad. The inter titles 'pushed over the edge' show in between cuts and it changes to a cut where his girlfriend tells him she's cheated on him. This then cuts to the inter titles "it's time for a new war", then a scene shows a close up of him packing his knife and other equipment into a sports bag/rucksack. Then it shows Lisa on the phone and we hear the diegetic dialogue, "Thomas, he knows". Then it cuts to Thomas' house and a close up on his fridge with a note saying "That's the problem with best friends, they know all your secrets, I'm coming for you." After reading this Thomas runs out of the house and as he runs past a blind corner he's struck down and tackled/punched. Then it cuts to a scene were we see him being held under the water. The next cut shows the inter title "This time he's not the only one fighting to survive." There is then an establishing shot of woods at night. The next scene shows Thomas hitting mark and running away through the woods. As he gets around the corner Mark is stood there with a bloody nose staring menacingly at Thomas. He charges at him knocking his phone out his hand which he's using as a light. While he tries to get signal, as the phone hits the floor, the light goes out and everything goes black. The words "he will have retribution" appear at the end with the word "retribution". Posted by Ruth's Blog! at 14:20 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Final Film Plot The film begins in a greyish colour at a war zone with troops advancing under enemy fire. The commander gives the order to advance through a smoky forest and the main character's friend, Matthew, gets hit by grenade. As they head through, he runs to him but it's too late and he dies in front of him. The gunfire fades out and so does the scene. The next scene is in normal colour and present day in front of the commander. The main character, Mark looks shaken up and the commander tells him he's in no state to continue his service and to go home and spend time with his girlfriend while he gets over losing his friend. Since after his friends death, Mark had been experiencing flashbacks of him and he imagines he's having conversations with him regularly. This false representation of Matthew tells Mark his girlfriend, Lisa, is cheating on him. He tries to forget about it but he himself has been noticing she has been acting different since he's returned from war. He finally confronts Lisa and she admits to cheating on him with one of his best friends, Thomas while he has been away at the army. It's at this point he storms out the room and heads upstairs to pack his bag. He begins by just packing his clothes but on later inspection notices other stuff such as rope and knives. This is when Mark says out loud, “ What, I didn't pack these!” and Matthew speaks to him and says, “I know, I did”. He tries to remove them but eventually, after they keep reappearing he leaves them, as it is no use. He leaves the house and pushes his girlfriend out of the way as she tries to say she's sorry. He yells “It's over” before slamming the door. The next scene shows her on the phone to Thomas warning him and telling him to watch out because Mark knows and he's not himself. Thomas hears something while on the phone and turns round to his fridge/mirror and finds a note saying “that's the problem with best friends, they know all of your fears. Scared of the dark?”. After he reads this the lights go out and he hears running. The door shuts before power returns. Scared and on the phone to Lisa the whole time, Thomas tells her what he has witnessed and only Mark knows about his embarrassing phobia of the dark. Lisa rings Mark and confronts him about it, this where he tells her he's been sleeping while this has been going on and hasn't been anywhere near Thomas before hanging up. He goes back to sleep and has a weird dream with him and Matthew in it. In the dream, Mark and Matthew plant a letter in Thomas' house before turning off the light and rushing out through the front door. Matthew talks to Mark and Mark tells Matthew all about how he's struggling to cope. He tells Mark, “Thomas will pay, I'll see to that”. Mark then wakes up and finds the words “Die. Suffer. Pay” repeatedly carved around where he was sleeping and looks at his hands to find them bloody/muddy ( this depends on location as to whether he sleeps in a house or sleeps rough in the wilderness). Stuff like this continues to happen until Thomas becomes enveloped in fear. When a final note says, “I'm coming for you soon”, seeing this he runs from his house only to be ambushed in an alleyway and suffocated with a bag until he passes out. He regains consciousness and is tied up in his own bathroom where Mark, with a slightly different darker voice says, “Scared of drowning too, wasn't it?”. He looks over to see a bath full of water and Mark laughing. He looks terrified at this point and begs him to stop, but Mark just laughs harder and says, “Let's see how long you can hold your breath for?”, before dragging him over and pushing his head under water. At this point, Lisa runs in and pulls him off. He turns to her, and he says, “Oh god Mark, what's happened to you?” before backing away. He throws her to the floor and she hits her head, losing consciousness. He then moves back to Thomas, who is coughing and spluttering, and hits him in the side of the head knocking him out. The next scene shows Thomas looking out of the car boot as it is opened, and Mark drags him out. He sees a forest and Lisa tied, and on her knees blindfolded. He is forced on his knees next to her. Matthew says, “Since you had no problem choosing between me and her, let's see how easy it is for you to choose between you and her. One of you dies”. Thomas manages to break free and hits Matthew who falls to the floor. He then frees Lisa and they run through the forest away from Mark. He catches them up and pins Matthew to the floor, hitting him over and over again. Meanwhile, Lisa is screaming “Stop it! This isn't you!”. He has memories of the four of them (Him, Lisa, Thomas and Matthew ) This somehow seems to wake Mark and he releases Matthew. As he does this, Matthew screams at him, “Finish this, finish it you coward! If you don't I'll get them when you're sleeping , you can't stay awake forever!”. He replies with, “I know” and we see him walk towards an edge by the river. We see Lisa watch him, then look to Mark to check he's okay. We hear a splash , and when the camera pans Mark is gone. The film ends with the camera cutting to the side of the river where Mark has been washed up. It ends on a close up of his face and his eyes fling open, where he gasps before it ends.

plot group discussion,

after the original plot we held a group meeting and chose to incorporate aspects from all of the plots the group wrote, below is the redrafted version,
The film begins in a greyish colour at a war zone with troops advancing while under enemy fire the commander gives the order to advance through a smokey forest and the main character's friend (john green) gets hit by a grenade as they head through, he runs to him but is too late and he dies in front of him, the gunfire fades out and so does the scene. [ ] The next scene is in normal colour and present day infront of the commander the main character (kyle freeman)looks shaken and the commander tells him he's in no state to continue his service and to go home and spend time with his girlfriend while he gets over losing his friend. [ ] since after his death he's been experiencing flashbacks of him and he imagines he's having conversations with him regularly, this false representation of John tells Kyle his girlfriend (Lisa) is cheating on him, he try's to forget about it but he himself has been noticing shes been acting different since he's returned from the war. [ ] He finally confronts her and she admits to cheating on him with one of his best friends (Eric) while he's been away at the army, it's at this point he storms out of the room and heads upstairs to back his bag, he begins by just packing clothes but on later inspection notices other stuff such as rope and knives, this is when Kyle says out loud "what, i didn't pack these" and john speaks to him and says "I know, i did". He tries to remove them but eventually after they keep reappearing he leaves them as its no use. [ ] He leaves the house and pushes his girlfriend out of the way as she tries to say she's sorry he yells its over before slamming the door. [ ] The next scene shows her on the phone to Eric warning him and telling him to watch out because Kyle knows and he's not himself. Eric hears something while on the phone and turns round to his fridge/mirror and finds a note saying "that's the problem with best friends they know all of your fears, scared of the dark?" after he reads this the lights go out he hears running and then the door shuts before power returns. [ ] Scared and on the phone to Lisa the whole time Eric tells her what he's witnessed and only Kyle knows about his embarrassing phobia of the dark, Lisa rings Kyle and confronts him about it, this is where he tells her he's been sleeping while this has been going on and hasn't been anywhere near Eric before hanging up, he goes back to sleep and dreams a weird dream with him and John in, in it him and John plant a letter in Eric's house before turning off the light and rushing out through the front door. In this dream John talks to Kyle and Kyle tells John all about how he's struggling to cope, he tells Kyle "Eric will pay il see to that" Kyle then wakes up and finds the words "" repeatedly carved around where he was sleeping and looks at his own hands to find them bloody/muddy (this depends on location as to wether he sleeps in a house or sleeps rough in the wilderness). [ ] Stuff like this continues to happen until Eric becomes enveloped in fear when a final note says "I'm coming for you soon" seeing this he runs from his house only to be ambushed in an alleyway and suffocated with a bag until he passes out. [ ] He regains consciousness and is tied up in his own bathroom where Kyle with a slightly different darker voice says "scared of drowning too wasn't it?" He looks over to see a bath full of water and Kyle laughing. [ ] He looks terrified at this point and begs him to stop but Kyle just laughs harder and says let's see how long you can hold your breath for before dragging him over and pushing his head under. At this point Lisa runs in and pulls him off, he turns to her and she says "oh god Kyle what's happened to you" before backing a way. [ ] He throws her to the floor and she hits her head losing consciousness, he then moves back to Eric who is coughing and spluttering and hits him in the side of the head knocking him out [ ] The next seen shows Eric looking out as a car boot is opened and Kyle drags him out he sees a forest and Lisa tied, and on her knees blindfolded and he is forced on his knees next to her. Kyle says "since you had no problem choosing between me and her lets see how easy it is for you to choose her or yourself, one of you dies". [ ] Eric manages to break free and hits John who falls to the floor, he then frees Lisa and they run through the forest away from Kyle, he catches them up and pins Eric to the floor hitting him over and over again, meanwhile Lisa is screaming "stop it! This isn't you" he has memories of the four of them, him, Lisa, Eric and John. This seems to somehow wake Kyle and he releases Eric. [ ] As he does this John screams at him "finish this, finish it you coward! If you don't il get them when you fall asleep you can't stay awake forever." He replies with "I know " and we see him walk towards an edge by the river. We see Lisa watch him then look to Eric to check he's okay , we hear a splash and when the camera pans he's gone. The film ends with the camera cutting to the side of the river where Kyle has washed up, it ends on a close up of his face and his eyes fling open and he gasps before it ends.
this was the second plot where we icorporated all of the ideas we had, before being given the task of creating a trailer plot