Tuesday 4 December 2012

plot group discussion,

after the original plot we held a group meeting and chose to incorporate aspects from all of the plots the group wrote, below is the redrafted version,
The film begins in a greyish colour at a war zone with troops advancing while under enemy fire the commander gives the order to advance through a smokey forest and the main character's friend (john green) gets hit by a grenade as they head through, he runs to him but is too late and he dies in front of him, the gunfire fades out and so does the scene. [ ] The next scene is in normal colour and present day infront of the commander the main character (kyle freeman)looks shaken and the commander tells him he's in no state to continue his service and to go home and spend time with his girlfriend while he gets over losing his friend. [ ] since after his death he's been experiencing flashbacks of him and he imagines he's having conversations with him regularly, this false representation of John tells Kyle his girlfriend (Lisa) is cheating on him, he try's to forget about it but he himself has been noticing shes been acting different since he's returned from the war. [ ] He finally confronts her and she admits to cheating on him with one of his best friends (Eric) while he's been away at the army, it's at this point he storms out of the room and heads upstairs to back his bag, he begins by just packing clothes but on later inspection notices other stuff such as rope and knives, this is when Kyle says out loud "what, i didn't pack these" and john speaks to him and says "I know, i did". He tries to remove them but eventually after they keep reappearing he leaves them as its no use. [ ] He leaves the house and pushes his girlfriend out of the way as she tries to say she's sorry he yells its over before slamming the door. [ ] The next scene shows her on the phone to Eric warning him and telling him to watch out because Kyle knows and he's not himself. Eric hears something while on the phone and turns round to his fridge/mirror and finds a note saying "that's the problem with best friends they know all of your fears, scared of the dark?" after he reads this the lights go out he hears running and then the door shuts before power returns. [ ] Scared and on the phone to Lisa the whole time Eric tells her what he's witnessed and only Kyle knows about his embarrassing phobia of the dark, Lisa rings Kyle and confronts him about it, this is where he tells her he's been sleeping while this has been going on and hasn't been anywhere near Eric before hanging up, he goes back to sleep and dreams a weird dream with him and John in, in it him and John plant a letter in Eric's house before turning off the light and rushing out through the front door. In this dream John talks to Kyle and Kyle tells John all about how he's struggling to cope, he tells Kyle "Eric will pay il see to that" Kyle then wakes up and finds the words "die.suffer.pay" repeatedly carved around where he was sleeping and looks at his own hands to find them bloody/muddy (this depends on location as to wether he sleeps in a house or sleeps rough in the wilderness). [ ] Stuff like this continues to happen until Eric becomes enveloped in fear when a final note says "I'm coming for you soon" seeing this he runs from his house only to be ambushed in an alleyway and suffocated with a bag until he passes out. [ ] He regains consciousness and is tied up in his own bathroom where Kyle with a slightly different darker voice says "scared of drowning too wasn't it?" He looks over to see a bath full of water and Kyle laughing. [ ] He looks terrified at this point and begs him to stop but Kyle just laughs harder and says let's see how long you can hold your breath for before dragging him over and pushing his head under. At this point Lisa runs in and pulls him off, he turns to her and she says "oh god Kyle what's happened to you" before backing a way. [ ] He throws her to the floor and she hits her head losing consciousness, he then moves back to Eric who is coughing and spluttering and hits him in the side of the head knocking him out [ ] The next seen shows Eric looking out as a car boot is opened and Kyle drags him out he sees a forest and Lisa tied, and on her knees blindfolded and he is forced on his knees next to her. Kyle says "since you had no problem choosing between me and her lets see how easy it is for you to choose her or yourself, one of you dies". [ ] Eric manages to break free and hits John who falls to the floor, he then frees Lisa and they run through the forest away from Kyle, he catches them up and pins Eric to the floor hitting him over and over again, meanwhile Lisa is screaming "stop it! This isn't you" he has memories of the four of them, him, Lisa, Eric and John. This seems to somehow wake Kyle and he releases Eric. [ ] As he does this John screams at him "finish this, finish it you coward! If you don't il get them when you fall asleep you can't stay awake forever." He replies with "I know " and we see him walk towards an edge by the river. We see Lisa watch him then look to Eric to check he's okay , we hear a splash and when the camera pans he's gone. The film ends with the camera cutting to the side of the river where Kyle has washed up, it ends on a close up of his face and his eyes fling open and he gasps before it ends.
this was the second plot where we icorporated all of the ideas we had, before being given the task of creating a trailer plot

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